
Ice Crystals and Therapy

I've had a headache for over a week. 
On Thursday, I decided that the perfect cure would be 
to shoot some pictures of the ice crystals that have been covering the trees! 
The cold air and inversion did nothing to help my headache, 
but shooting improved my mood dramatically! 
Sometimes I think that shooting is therapy for me!

Another thing that I loved about this shoot was that 
I pulled out my Pentax and shot with actual film! 
It has been way too long since I've shot with film! 
I took my roll to Inkley's as soon as I finished it and couldn't wait to get them back!

(They are a little pixelated because I shot with a higher film speed than the conditions allowed for, 
but it was all that I had on hand and I didn't want to waste time at the store!)

7304200-R1-009-3 for photo blog

7304200-R1-025-11 for blog

7304200-R1-007-2 for blog

7304200-R1-039-18 for blog

7304200-R1-021-9 for photo blog

Picnik collage for blog

Keep Smiling,


Victoria said...

You have AMAZING talent!
(I like your choice of "therapy"!)

sydifer said...

i LOVE them!

claire said...

Love it Clar-how's your headache by the way?? Hope this helped! Love ya, me