
Northern Cache Valley

We are having way TOO much fun with Nikki the Nikon! 
This weekend we grabbed some Jamba Juice and 
drove through Northern Cache Valley!
It was a beautiful day and we had a great talking and shooting!
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Keep Smiling,

Third Dam

Nate & I took the camera (a.k.a. Nikki the Nikon) 
up to Third Dam a few days ago to test it out! 
Here are a few of our favorite shots!

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Keep Smiling,



It's that time of year. 
The trees are bare. 
The grass is muddy and brown. 
The outdoors feel barren and empty. 
This is the time of year when the word Spring brings me nothing but joy! 
To see flowers blooming and snow melting brings me hope and happiness.

But I've got to say that I do love the trees before they bloom. 
Their skeletons are beautiful. 
Their unique array of branches speak to me.

I tried to capture the some of the emptiness that this time of year brings. 
And when the hope and happiness come from the blooming flowers, I'll capture that as well!

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Oh, and I'm LOVING the new camera! Stay tuned for more pics!

Keep Smiling,


We Got It!

The camera has been secured! 
When we got it, I told Nate we needed to name it. 
He insisted that it is a she. 
We don't have a name for it, but we've got it!

Look for a new post in the next few days. I'm going shooting tomorrow.

Keep Smiling,


A Camera Of Our Own...

It has been decided.

With our tax returns, we are getting one of these:

Isn't it pretty?

... mmmmm ... camera ... and I'm drooling ...

Soon I'll be holding that baby in my hands and shooting like there is no tomorrow! 
Thank you tax time!

And to tell Joe & Ollie: 
for the hundreds of times that you have trusted me with your camera! 
You guys are the best!! :)
