
Country Wedding - Kevin & Sara

Nate's sweet cousin, Sara, got married a few weeks back! 
Her dad is the phenomenal photographer that has helped fan the flames
in my love of photography - he was their photographer, but you can be sure
that I had my camera in tow and got in a few shots as well!!

The reception was Kevin's home in Smithfield and it couldn't have been more perfect!

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Sara Collage
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Sara & Kevin Collage 1

Keep Smiling,


Grandma Vic said...

Love the pictures, you're getting more creative..I really like the back of her dress, the violin and of course the sunflowers in her bouquet. Good job.

jeff and char said...

you are amazing i love these pics what a pretty bride how fun!

claire said...

Clar-the one of the back of her dress is awesome! Can't wait to see all of your pics! Love ya-counting down-me

The Thompsons said...

Wow! Clur! Why didn't you take pictures at my wedding? These are beautiful. I'm so proud of you! Love Jen

m e l said...

I wish we could have been there. Your pictures are great.